Camel Trading fair Pushkar
By Ali Karim

Pushkar, Rajasthan

This post is part of a series called Rajasthan – Kutch Nov 2018 Nov, 2019 On a recent business trip to India, we decide to take a trip and check out some parts of India we had not been to, and that looked interesting, as well as attend a Marwari wedding in Rajasthan. First stop…

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By Ali Karim

Sidon and Tyre

This post is part of a series called Lebanon July 2018 Sidon and Tyre After leaving Jezzine in the Chouf Mountains we drove east on a nice road to Sidon, on the Mediterranean Sea. We had called and booked at a local B&B at the Latin Church, in the ancient old town souk; another use…

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By Ali Karim

Druze and the Chouf Mountains

This post is part of a series called Lebanon July 2018 After leaving Mresti, we drove once again through the Chouf mountain roads to another Druze town called Mukhtara, which is the home of Walid Jumblatt, the defacto Druze community leader, and the leader of the Lebanese Progressive Socialist Party. The Jumblatt family have been…

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By Ali Karim

Bsharri, Quadisha Valley and Bekaa Valley

This post is part of a series called Lebanon July 2018 Bsharri, Quadisha Valley and Bekaa Valley After leaving Tripoli, we drove east, away from the sea towards Bsharri and Quadisha Valley. The geography of Lebanon is such that there are 2 parallel mountain ranges (Lebanon Mountains and Anti-Lebanon Mountains) that run north-south, with the…

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